There is no doubt in my mind that if you are currently searching for a new job during the age of COVID, staying positive and motivated is going to be one of your biggest challenges. I have already put together a list of motivational...
15 Motivational Songs for your Job Search
O yes my friends, times are certainly tough in the job market at the moment, and I honestly do not envy anyone currently searching for a new job. I know that it is not easy, but if you are currently busy with a job...
How to write a CV for the South African job market?
How to write a CV in South Africa in 2020? This is a very common question, and understandably so, considering where we live. In South Africa! It is also actually quite a good question, the reason being that different counties have different cultures and...
Should I use a professional CV revamp service?
As some of you might already know, I offer a CV revamping/writing service. I try to limit the number of CV’s that I will revamp in a month as this is more of a side service that I offer and can be quite time-consuming....
Why did I not get the job? [Answers and Solutions to this Question]
“Why did I not get the job?” Have you ever been for an interview, or applied for a position that you felt fits you perfectly and still ended with a rejection letter in your inbox? I am quite sure that most people reading this...
How does your CV score?
This is a short post today. But still, an extremely valuable one. Just like last week's post on the best advice by 5 of South Africas top recruiters the advice in today's’ article does not come from me. The advice in the article today...
Job search advice from 5 top recruiters in SA.
There is an enormous amount of job search advice that is freely available. Just a quick Google search will provide hundreds of websites, all promising to have the very best advice for your job search. In fact, there is so much free advice available,...
4 worries EVERY job seeker will have
So you are busy searching for a new job. It does not matter if you have just started or if you have been busy with it for a while. The fact is that until you actually get an offer and sign that employment contract...
How to identify a bad boss!
Working for a bad boss or manager might make you question your career choices. But even worse then that, an awful boss can have an impact on your home life and mental or emotional well-being. There is nothing worse than waking up in the...
5 tips for entry level job seekers
Let's be honest, searching for a new job is difficult. Even if you have a few years of experience on your side. But if you are just entering the job market it is so much harder. It is a bitter pill to swallow for...
Job search during the COVID-19 pandemic.
he world is a scary place right now. And the reality is that it is not the virus who is the scary beast anymore. What is really scaring people now, is the realisation that the economic impact of government lockdown is possibly going to...
23 best job search quotes
It is very easy to become demotivated during an extended job search. The constant rejection is enough to break even the strongest among us. I want to keep you motivated and positive and of course, inspired! I want to keep you smiling even through...
GPG Professional Job Centre
I recently published an article on the top 13 websites to use for your job search. And although these are great sites they are by no means the only websites available for job seekers to use. There are many smaller niche sites that focus...
Productive activities to boost your career while on Lockdown
We are now well into the second week of our national Lockdown here in South Africa. And although all signs seem to indicate that the spread of the COVID-19 virus is slowing, we still have a long way to go. Many people have used...
Upskill during the RSA #lockdown!
Although some of us are fortunate enough to be able to continue working from home, there are realistically many more employees who are unable to do so. And if you are a job seeker desperately looking for work well then I imagine that this...