JOB SCAMS! How to avoid becoming a victim.

Job Scams. How to avoid them
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Unfortunately, we live in a country that is plagued by exceptionally high levels of unemployment. Although you might think that this is bad enough there are many dishonest individuals who have seen this as an opportunity to scam desperate job seekers. I can imagine how easy it must be to fall into one of these job scams, especially when you are desperate for a job, any job. Desperation clouds our judgment and allows us to make decisions and take actions that we would normally not. My hope is that by highlighting some of these job scams and giving you an idea of what to look out for you might recognize a scam before it is too late.

Lets first discuss some of the common job scams that are going around and then we will discuss what to look out for and how to recognize them.

Common Job Scams.

1) Pay for items or training material scams.

This is one of the most common scams that I have seen taking place in recent months. What happens is applicants are promised free training for a position, however first they need to purchase the training material for the training course. A variation of this scam also involves applicants being told they need to purchase certain equipment that is necessary for the position.

2) Jobs overseas scams.

This is another big one at the moment, especially on social media sites such as Facebook. I have seen quite a few popping up on a Facebook Group that I created for hospitality professionals to find and advertise positions called Hospitality Connect.

These scams are also going to ask you for payment for some service upfront. However it can be much more serious than just scamming you out of a few Thousand Rand, there have been cases of individuals being used as drug mules unknowingly when traveling to these countries for the interview, and even cases of people being abducted. These scams can literally turn into life or death situations! My advice is that if you are interested in working overseas rather make contact with a reputable recruitment agency in that country and request assistance.

3) Registration scam.

In this scam, you are told that your application is successful and you will be starting work on a specific date. However you need to register with the company first, and obviously this involves paying a fee. A variation of this is a recruitment agency that will charge you a fee to “prepare your CV.” No reputable recruitment company is going to charge you for their service, their fees are paid by the company with the job vacancy.

Please note that this is separate from a professional CV writing service that some agencies might offer, check out this link if you are interested in having your CV professionally prepared. However, if they insist you MUST make use of their CV writing service it is a scam.

4) Fake application job scam.

As we move forward into a digital world it is people’s information that is becoming valuable, and we need to protect our information from those that want to gather it and sell it. In the fake job scam applicants are directed to a form that asks for all of their personal information, most of which will have no relevance to the position being applied for. After completing this form your information is collected and sold to the highest bidder.

Any company that would like to collect your information should have a privacy policy in place which tells you what they intend to do with your information. For example, I have a link to my companies privacy policy at the bottom of the form I ask candidates to complete. If you are suspicious about a company, rather read through the privacy policy or ask the company to provide it for you if you can’t find it.

5) The fax application scam.

This is a simple yet quite clever scam, I personally have never come across it but I have read about it taking place in South Africa quite a few times. Basically a “company” advertises a position and candidates are asked to fax through their CVs to apply. Only a fax number is provided in the job advert. After you send your CV through the fax charges are billed to your phone account at ridiculously high rates.

So those are the most common scams taking place at the moment, they seem obvious when you read them here but they are catching people like you and me every single day. And it is all because of that desperation factor.

Points to look out for when thinking about applying for a job.

1) The email address is @gmail.

This is the first and most tell-tale sign of a scam. If you are asked to respond to an @gmail email address please be extremely cautious. Remember that it is so easy for anyone to just create a Gmail account, in fact, you could create a new one every day if you needed to.

This point is especially valid if the position being advertised is for a large company. For example, just the other day I saw a position being advertised at Pick n Pay but they were asking applicants to send their CVs to, let’s be honest here, you can’t really believe that Pick n Pay is using Gmail now. I would also say any overseas positions that require you to apply to a Gmail account are fishy, actually, any overseas position that is not being advertised by a recruiter is fishy, full stop!

2) You are asked to make a payment.

If the company asks you to pay for registration, training, equipment, or for the interview please be very cautious. I can’t imagine why a company would ask anyone to make a payment to work for them. In my mind, if a company wants me to work for them it is because they have seen my potential to help the company make a profit through the work that I will do for them. Why would they charge me if I am going to be bringing money into the company anyway? This also applies to a recruitment company, you do not need to pay a recruitment agency for CV preparation or registration.

3) You are asked to give bank details and personal information upfront.

If you are asked to fill out forms asking you for large amounts of personal information and/or banking details think twice. You should only be required to give your banking details to the company after you have actually begun working for them. If you are asked to fill out any forms requesting personal information first verify the companies credibility and check their privacy policy.

4) You are offered to position without an interview or the interview is conducted over a messaging platform such as Whatsapp.

Of course, it is a wonderful feeling to be told “congratulations you have got the job,” especially if you have been job hunting for quite some time. Try to be realistic though, why would a company hire you without even conducting an interview? Or why would they just conduct their interview over a Whatsapp chat? Of course, there is no reason the company can not use Skype or even Whatsapp video chat, and at the bare minimum, a company may conduct a telephonic interview however this is usually just a preliminary interview to short-list candidates.

5) You are asked to travel to any location other than the company.

Please be safe, there is no job that is worth becoming a victim of some of the vicious crimes committed by scammers and criminals out there. Do not meet interviewers at their homes or at any location other than the companies physical address. If you re concerned that the address supplied is not valid rather pop it into google and see what comes up or go onto google maps street view and have a look at the building. Perhaps the company is a small home-based business. Rather suggest to the interviewer that you meet at a nearby coffee shop for the interview. Any company worth working for they will be accommodating, if not, don’t risk it.

6) The advert for the position is poorly written.

Job scams are often not very well written. I understand that we are not all English professors, and obviously it is acceptable for the writer of the advert to make a few errors. However, if the ad does not entirely make sense in certain areas or especially if it looks like the ad was just run through google translator be cautious.

7) The advert states no experience required.

This is a perfect example of a phrase that is designed to prey on the desperation of job seekers who have been struggling to find a position for quite some time or those that are short on experience. Generally speaking, most employers are going to ask for some experience, and if they are not looking for an experienced candidate they certainly will not advertise this fact.

Often these fake job posts will have the following wording in them, “No experience needed, full training provided.” Don’t waste your time, you are going to be asked to pay for your training material, this is almost guaranteed.

If you enjoyed this please also check out the article on 8 warning signs of a Job Scam, or Online Scams – “Viewing adverts for cash.” I really hope that this has opened your eyes a little and even if I just help one person out there avoid a job scam I will be happy. If you know about any other job scams taking place out there at the moment or you have been a victim of one of these scams please tell me about it in the comments below.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and as always GOOD LUCK with the job search.

Get all the best job search advice along with discussions surounding Labour law and work from home / Side hustle ideas.

* indicates required


The information contained on this website is simply aimed at providing readers with guidance on labour law in South Africa. This information has not been provided to meet the individual requirements of a specific individual. Bizcraft will always suggest that legal advice be obtained to address a person’s unique circumstances. It is important to remember that the law is constantly changing and although Bizcraft strives to keep the information up to date and of high quality, it cannot be guaranteed that the information will be updated and/or be without errors or omissions. As a result, Bizcraft will under no circumstances accept liability or be held liable, for any innocent or negligent actions or omissions which may result in any harm or liability flowing from the use of or the inability to use the information provided.


  1. […] Job Scams: How to avoid becoming a victim […]

  2. G
    August 14, 2021

    Thanks for the info, just got a mail today :/

  3. Bongani
    August 3, 2021

    Please be very careful with this address, the building is called “Workspace” and I’ve been there before but did not pay any monies though the people I interviewed with were robbed of the monies, these scammers seem to filter our applications from but all that I’ve applied for always lend me in the same building same interview format, the interviewer will only ask one to 3 questions at most and they are not very much aware of the field of employment in my case Tech, I asked the interviewer a couple of questions myself relating to the field which I applied for and to my surprise Mr. Martin Sithole had no clue of what I was talking about. Yesterday I got a call from Mr. Sithole telling me that my application was successful and I should come today at 11 to finalize the process, but I must bring records of ITC, criminal clearance etc. It’s a good thing I stopped by this site to confirm my suspicions with “Global-staffing and training solutions”. Yep it is a group of scammers and they appear to use the same building. Be careful, please familiarize yourself with the content of the email pasted below.

    Dear Candidate
    GSS is pleased to formally invite you for a pre interview/ pre-assessment meeting at 21 Village Rd and Simmonds Str, Johannesburg, 2001 (Opposite the Standard Bank Parking Bay @ Simmonds Street Johannesburg).
    This means that your CV was successfully assessed and shortlisted for the Developer Trainee Position that you applied for and we are therefore pleased to formally extend an offer for the above position.
    Your appointment date is on Friday 30 July 2021 at 09:00am. The list of roles and responsibilities will be explained only after we get positive results of the pre interview/ pre-assessment, as well as all the applicable benefits; for example provident fund, full medical aid,13th cheque etc. Kindly note that this is not an interview or assessment as yet but rather a pre interview/ pre-assessment meant for receiving your checks so we can validate them. The validation process takes about a week.
    1.Kindly make sure you come wearing a mask as no one will be permitted to enter the premises without it. Our services will be slower than usual as precautionary measures will have to be undertaken against Covid19.

    2. Please bring along copy of your ID/Passport and the original and email your CV and academic certificates ( copies) prior to coming.
    Kindly note, calls to our lines can only be made Monday to Friday 07:30am to 15:00pm, but due to a high volume of calls, you can just email us. If you have any questions before or after the prescribed hours, send us an email. Dialogue via emails can happen anytime, any day as most of our staff works from home. Secure under cover Parking available on prior request.

    Kind Regards
    Recruitment Lead – Global Staffing and Training Consultants (Pty) Ltd

    │ cnr 21 Village Road and 2 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg 2001│
    │+27 87 092 8313(DL)│ +27 73 576 9732( C ) │+27 86 452 5601 (F)│
    │Email: │Website:
    The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future. This message has been sent as a part of discussion between Global Staffing Solutions and the addressee whose name is specified above. Should you receive this message by mistake, we would be most grateful if you informed us that the message has been sent to you. In this case, we also ask that you delete this message from your mailbox, and do not forward it or any part of it to anyone else. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Global Staffing Solutions puts the security of the client at a high priority. Therefore, we have put efforts into ensuring that the message is error and virus-free. Unfortunately, full security of the email cannot be ensured as, despite our efforts, the data included in emails could be infected, intercepted, or corrupted. Therefore, the recipient should check the email for threats with proper software, as the sender does not accept liability for any damage inflicted by viewing the content of this email. The views and opinions included in this email belong to their author and do not necessarily mirror the views and opinions of the company. Our employees are obliged not to make any defamatory clauses, infringe, or authorize infringement of any legal right. Therefore, the company will not take any liability for such statements included in emails. In case of any damages or other liabilities arising, employees are fully responsible for the content of their emails. Please note that under no circumstances will our Global Staffing Solutions request or assist with matters relating to accommodation or communicate with you other than through the official Global Staffing Solutions domain email addresses.

  4. Thabiso
    July 26, 2021

    Afternoon I also recieved this emailDear Applicant,


    We are pleased to inform you that the position applied for was successful, as we have accessed your application. I’m pleased to formally extend an offer for you.Note that as soon as u submitted the documents U will start working as soon as possible


    Your appointment date is on ( TUESDAY) 27 JULY 2021 at 07:30am to 8:00am, we value and respect time. You will report to MISS MCKAY. You will receive a fixed basic salary ranging from R6,800 to R45,850 per Month depending on your position applied for and experience. This is a full time, exempt position. Exempt status means you are not eligible for overtime compensation. A list of the roles and responsibilities will be explained. Also you will have all the benefits covered which is full medical cover and life cover.
















    NB:The benefits will be explained in person as they differ with the positions ,experience and qualifications.




    -Copy Of ID/Passport & Originals

    _Qualification (if you have)

    -Black Pen      








    At the reception desk ask for MISS MCKAY , Please do call if you are getting lost or use GPS


    Yours Sincerely,




     I was happy but now what confuses me is that this email is not formal and there is something fishy on it I dont trust it

  5. Thabiso
    July 26, 2021

    Hi guys I also recieved this email JOB REFERENCE  LCR26072021

    Dear Candidate

    GSS is pleased to formally invite you for a pre interview/ pre-assessment meeting at 21 Village Rd and Simmonds Str, Johannesburg, 2001 (Opposite the Standard Bank Parking Bay @ Simmonds Street Johannesburg).  

    This means that your CV was successfully assessed and shortlisted for the Shuttle Driver Position that you applied for and we are therefore pleased to formally extend an offer for the above position. 

    Your appointment date is on Monday 26 July 2021 at 09:00am. The list of roles and responsibilities will be explained only after we get positive results of the pre interview/ pre-assessment, as well as all the applicable benefits; for example provident fund, full medical aid,13th cheque etc. Kindly note that this is not an interview or assessment as yet but rather a pre interview/ pre-assessment meant for receiving your checks so we can validate them. The validation process takes about a week.


    1.Kindly make sure you come wearing a mask as no one will be permitted to enter the premises without it. Our services will be slower than usual as precautionary measures will have to be undertaken against Covid19.                                                                                  

    2. Please bring along copy of your ID/Passport and the original and email your CV and academic certificates ( copies) prior to coming.

    Kindly note, calls to our lines can only be made Monday to Friday 07:30am to 15:00pm, but due to a high volume of calls, you can just email us. If you have any questions before or after the prescribed hours, send us an email. Dialogue via emails can happen anytime, any day as most of our staff works from home. Secure under cover Parking available on prior request.




    Kind Regards

    Recruitment Lead  – Global Staffing and Training Consultants  (Pty) Ltd


    │ cnr 21 Village Road and 2 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg 2001│

    │+27 87 092 8313(DL)│ +27 73 576 9732( C ) │+27 86 452 5601 (F)│

    │Email:  │Website:


    The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future. This message has been sent as a part of discussion between Global Staffing Solutions and the addressee whose name is specified above. Should you receive this message by mistake, we would be most grateful if you informed us that the message has been sent to you. In this case, we also ask that you delete this message from your mailbox, and do not forward it or any part of it to anyone else. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Global Staffing Solutions puts the security of the client at a high priority. Therefore, we have put efforts into ensuring that the message is error and virus-free. Unfortunately, full security of the email cannot be ensured as, despite our efforts, the data included in emails could be infected, intercepted, or corrupted. Therefore, the recipient should check the email for threats with proper software, as the sender does not accept liability for any damage inflicted by viewing the content of this email. The views and opinions included in this email belong to their author and do not necessarily mirror the views and opinions of the company. Our employees are obliged not to make any defamatory clauses, infringe, or authorize infringement of any legal right. Therefore, the company will not take any liability for such statements included in emails. In case of any damages or other liabilities arising, employees are fully responsible for the content of their emails. Please note that under no circumstances will our Global Staffing Solutions request or assist with matters relating to accommodation or communicate with you other than through the official Global Staffing Solutions domain email addresses.


     Nd I did attend the interview they took my cv and id copy

    July 22, 2021

    I also got an pre interview/pre assessment ref.LCR 23072021 on that same address

  7. Patience
    July 21, 2021

    Wow This is the email I received but I was suspicious


    Dear Candidate

    GSS is pleased to formally invite you for a pre interview/ pre-assessment meeting at 21 Village Rd and Simmonds Str, Johannesburg, 2001 (Opposite the Standard Bank Parking Bay @ Simmonds Street Johannesburg).

    This means that your CV was successfully assessed and shortlisted for the Assistant Preschool Teacher Position that you applied for and we are therefore pleased to formally extend an offer for the above position.

    Your appointment date is on Friday 23 July 2021 at 09:00am. The list of roles and responsibilities will be explained only after we get positive results of the pre interview/ pre-assessment, as well as all the applicable benefits; for example provident fund, full medical aid,13th cheque etc. Kindly note that this is not an interview or assessment as yet but rather a pre interview/ pre-assessment meant for receiving your checks so we can validate them. The validation process takes about a week.


    1.Kindly make sure you come wearing a mask as no one will be permitted to enter the premises without it. Our services will be slower than usual as precautionary measures will have to be undertaken against Covid19.

    2. Please bring along copy of your ID/Passport and the original and email your CV and academic certificates ( copies) prior to coming.

    Kindly note, calls to our lines can only be made Monday to Friday 07:30am to 15:00pm, but due to a high volume of calls, you can just email us. If you have any questions before or after the prescribed hours, send us an email. Dialogue via emails can happen anytime, any day as most of our staff works from home. Secure under cover Parking available on prior request.

    Kind Regards

    Recruitment Lead – Global Staffing and Training Consultants (Pty) Ltd


    │ cnr 21 Village Road and 2 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg 2001│

    │+27 87 092 83** (DL)│ +27 73 576 97** ( C ) │+27 86 452 56** (F)│

    │Email: ******* │Website: │


    The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future. This message has been sent as a part of discussion between Global Staffing Solutions and the addressee whose name is specified above. Should you receive this message by mistake, we would be most grateful if you informed us that the message has been sent to you. In this case, we also ask that you delete this message from your mailbox, and do not forward it or any part of it to anyone else. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Global Staffing Solutions puts the security of the client at a high priority. Therefore, we have put efforts into ensuring that the message is error and virus-free. Unfortunately, full security of the email cannot be ensured as, despite our efforts, the data included in emails could be infected, intercepted, or corrupted. Therefore, the recipient should check the email for threats with proper software, as the sender does not accept liability for any damage inflicted by viewing the content of this email. The views and opinions included in this email belong to their author and do not necessarily mirror the views and opinions of the company. Our employees are obliged not to make any defamatory clauses, infringe, or authorize infringement of any legal right. Therefore, the company will not take any liability for such statements included in emails. In case of any damages or other liabilities arising, employees are fully responsible for the content of their emails. Please note that under no circumstances will our Global Staffing Solutions request or assist with matters relating to accommodation or communicate with you other than through the official Global Staffing Solutions domain email addresses.

    1. Peter Breedveld
      July 22, 2021

      Thank you very much for this Patience. You may have just saved someone from falling for a scam.

    2. Xolani Clement Majola
      July 29, 2021

      Thank you so much I almost got scammed too by these people if I didn’t come to this site. I got the same email too today at the same place

    3. Itumeleng Phala
      August 15, 2021

      Did you end up going??

      I received that same email and it said i have an interview on Tuesday the 17 August 2021, I’m having doubts if i should go

  8. Monique
    February 3, 2021

    I’m so glad I put this address into google first and then the scam came up. This ITC asked me for documents and to pay for background checks… so yeah

    {cnr 21 Village Road and 2 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg 2001}

    1. Vee
      May 3, 2021

      Oh my word, I have an “interview” at that address tomorrow. I am also so lucky to have thought to research and come across this article and comment. Their website is so shady; spacing issues, some pages don’t load, the pictures are very fake. Dodged a bullet.

      1. Peter Breedveld
        May 5, 2021

        Glad you figured it out before it was to late. Good luck with the job search, i am sure something wonderful is out there waiting for you.

    2. Maria
      June 28, 2021

      They just sent me a pre-interview invitation…nxaa

  9. Grace
    January 29, 2021

    Had the same scam email sent to me as Philla last year,

    – Martin Sithole │Recruitment Lead – Global Staffing and Training Consultants (Pty) LTD│ cnr 21 Village Road and 2 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg 2001│
    │+27 87 055 0713 (DL)│ +27 81 081 3731 ( C ) │+27 86 452 5601 (F) │

    How is this guy still operating and getting away with it? There needs to be some sort of authority to report this to?

    1. Lesetja
      March 12, 2021

      Thank you so so much, this article has been very helpful. It just confirmed my suspicions because ever since I lost my job end of February, I’ve forever been on my phone applying for any single suitable “vacancies” I come across. I may have got more than 20 interview invitations until now but haven’t attended even a single one of them because even though I don’t know Jo’burg that well, I can feel the places were suspicious. I don’t know “Ottawa Building” but I don’t trust the place.
      I’m going to share this info on my social platforms hoping people won’t be lazy to read. 🙏

      1. Peter Breedveld
        March 12, 2021

        Thank you very much for the kind words and thank you for sharing the article. It really helps me and keeping this site going when people share the articles so once again, much appreciated!

  10. Palesa U
    December 7, 2020

    If you know about these scammer why ain’t you reporting it or doing something about it because these scams are all over😞

    1. Peter Breedveld
      December 11, 2020

      Hi Palesa, Thank you for the comment. However, I must say that I do feel like I am doing something about it by trying to create awareness with job seekers. By making people aware of what is happening and helping them avoid scams, what more can one really do?

  11. […] only way to stay safe to educate yourself on the common job scams taking place and stay away from known scam “centers.” I know that this is easier said then […]

    1. V
      September 15, 2021

      I applied for a job on BestJobs, I think that’s where many of the job scams are taking place. ( A tip I have is if I can’t actually find the business I’m applying for and call to find out if there are actually recruiting then it’s a scam) Anyway, an email I received today was…

      “You have applied for part-time and weekend jobs online (BestJobs).
      Thank You for Applying to Us. Kindly come for Assessment, and Sign our
      Contract Tomorrow, Thursday, 16 September. Time: @10AM

      Venue Address:
      414 Commissioner Street
      [Cnr Grace & Commissioner Street]
      From Carlton Center, JHB Town..
      Take a Taxi (R12) to Eastgate..
      You will Jump-off in Kensington, Cnr Grace & Commissioner Str..
      You will see The DON Lounge at the Corner, Next to Engen Garage


      Dress Code: Smart All-Black, or Black & White, or Anything Smart
      PLEASE NOTE: The DON Lounge & Restaurant was closed, due to the looting
      that took place 6 weeks ago, AND is currently under renovation. However,
      we are now open for Part-time & Weekend Events and Promotions. When you
      arrive at The DON Building, you will ask for Dudu, she will assist you.

      For more info, Call +27 78 340 4818 or WhatsApp us on 081 890 1152

  12. […] me on the limited personal information I recommend giving, however, because of the prevalence of Job Scams in South Africa I always err on the side of caution. Obviously, if there are other personal details that are […]

  13. Thandiwe
    July 24, 2020

    Hi I think I also being scammed I paid 320 for background check and screening process in order for agency to proceed with my application , but the agency referred me the email address of company who doing background check and screening but they also said I can do it on private and send agency results reason I did not get company to do background check free I rather asked the recommended company to do background check for me I paid 320 , I sent proof of payment as they request than they sent me email that my agency will contact me regarding position , I suspect this was scammer as I did not even conduct interview.

    1. Peter Breedveld
      July 27, 2020

      Hi Thandiwe, I am very sorry you had this experience. It certainly sounds like it was another scam. PLEASE REMEMBER, NEVER EVER PAY FOR ANYTHING WHEN SEARCHING FOR A JOB.

  14. Vuyo
    May 20, 2020

    This just happened to me.. Today & lucky for me.. I had just read this scam post earlier.. So I was able to make this scam out

    [5/20, 15:04] Louis Vee: Good afternoon Mr Mohlala I am Vuyo Mdladla, texting to find out if you had received an email this morning from me.. About a job application for general worker offer
    [5/20, 15:06] Mr Mohlala: ohk
    how old are you?
    [5/20, 15:06] Louis Vee: 28
    [5/20, 15:07] Mr Mohlala: ohk
    snd me your cv photo’s over there please or now
    [5/20, 15:08] Louis Vee: Just the photo or both with the CV?
    [5/20, 15:09] Mr Mohlala: ur cv pictures
    [5/20, 15:11] Louis Vee: Sent
    [5/20, 15:14] Mr Mohlala: yes
    [5/20, 15:14] Louis Vee: You received it.?
    [5/20, 15:16] Mr Mohlala: you snd it via email?
    [5/20, 15:16] Louis Vee: Yes sir
    [5/20, 15:17] Mr Mohlala: oh I see it is vuyo right?
    [5/20, 15:17] Louis Vee: Yes
    [5/20, 15:18] Mr Mohlala: ohk
    This number ends with 6468 you use it full time?
    [5/20, 15:18] Louis Vee: Yes sir
    [5/20, 15:18] Mr Mohlala: ohk

    (Then the guy sent me what looks like an application form)

    [5/20, 15:19] Mr Mohlala: this is ur application form but am already finished it for ur application aswell
    [5/20, 15:20] Louis Vee: Meaning?
    [5/20, 15:21] Mr Mohlala: am already fill up the space for you because I’ve details aswell
    [5/20, 15:21] Mr Mohlala: they will snd u sms when ur application has been successfully
    [5/20, 15:21] Louis Vee: Ohk.. Well thank you
    [5/20, 15:22] Mr Mohlala: The main thing you have to do your registration fees for Medical 📃💵because Company firstly was do it for everyone who was apply in this Company problem is some of them they didn’t come to attend their indication while we use a private Doctorsq,so our Company lose the money 💵 so each n everyone who like to work with us the must do their own registration fees 💵📃for Application💵📃aswell

    No interview we looking people urgently is for permanent position

    Thanks for your moment 🤝
    [5/20, 15:26] Mr Mohlala: if you cant able to do tht just let me know?
    bcz ur documents are in hold at the moment and some people they need tht space I was given you to build their own future and take care of their family
    [5/20, 15:28] Louis Vee: How do I do this registration?
    [5/20, 15:31] Mr Mohlala: R1,260
    And I’ll snd u a medical form
    [5/20, 15:33] Louis Vee: Oh my.. 🙆🏾‍♂️
    I’m sorry but I do not have that kinder of money.. Having not working yet.
    By when is it exactly due?
    [5/20, 15:34] Mr Mohlala: so wht you will do or I can keep your space save untill month end?
    [5/20, 15:40] Louis Vee: Ok
    [5/20, 15:40] Louis Vee: I’ll see if I can get anything
    [5/20, 15:41] Mr Mohlala: ohk no problem then you will let me know
    [5/20, 15:43] Louis Vee: Yea ok
    [5/20, 15:44] Mr Mohlala: thanks for your moment 🤝

    This scam shit os real guys.. Beware please

    1. Peter Breedveld
      May 25, 2020

      Glad you realised before the scammer was able to get you to pay over any money.

      I would add that not only is the fact that this person asking for money an obvious warning sign, but also the language and spelling mistakes this person is making.

    2. Siphesihle Siphumelele
      June 3, 2021

      I was also scammed by syginific services any amount of R2900 ,from the markade building, 84 president and corner kruis street.
      And now I’m concerned about global staffing and training consultants cause it’s seems like they are one of this people scammed people cause they also asked me to pay 360 for TRC bt I was also interview by company I’m gonna work with bt since there is this romaus,mmm I think I’m gonna quit

  15. Philla
    April 28, 2020

    Due to desperation I fell into the same trap sold paying for ITC. Since I’ve been out of the job market for quiet some time, I thought it was the ‘new’ thing. 2 ‘recruiting agencies’ scammed me.
    1- Martin Sithole │Recruitment Lead – Global Staffing and Training Consultants (Pty) LTD│ cnr 21 Village Road and 2 Simmonds Street, Johannesburg 2001│
    │+27 87 055 0713 (DL)│ +27 81 081 3731 ( C ) │+27 86 452 5601 (F) │

    2. We are based In
    Johannesburg (CBD)
    Kruis & Hellen Joseph
    Ottawa Mall Building
    9th Floor
    Office 915

    1. Annelie Potgieter
      May 4, 2020

      I applied for a secretarial position at a security company in Pretoria. I was informed that I am on the short list and interview will take place on 1 June 2020.
      Attached was an application form which needed to be completed and e mailed back on Tuesday 5 May. I received this e mail on Friday, 2 May.
      They also want me to pay R450 for ITC. Aparently the R450 will be refunded to the successful candidate.
      Now, I did do my homework on this company they are legit and have offices near my home.
      I also found information on their Operations Manager on Linkdin.
      So all seemed in order
      This R450 absolutely send me into a rage as I reason that if 1000 people applied for this position and they are desperate and pay the fee and only 1 person is appointed, that means 999 x R450 IS A LOT OF MONEY they put in their pockets for doing absolutely nothing.
      The e mail sent to me informing me, I am on the short list had spelling mistakes!
      I sent a message back that I am unemployed and am not able to pay that fee, but will pay it gladly if I am successful in the application.
      I also informed them that due to the Covid19 situation, it is nearly impossible to get a job and it is unreasonable to expect unemployed people to Pay R450, where do they think an unemployed person will get that amount of money.
      4 minutes later I got a mail typed in capital letters that my application will not be processed if the money is not paid in by tomorrow, Tuesday, 5 May.
      I send a message “NOTED” thank you.
      I would rather stay umemployed and continue with my job search.

      1. Peter Breedveld
        May 25, 2020

        Very glad you picked up this was a scam before it was to late

  16. […] to search with. Choosing the right job board website will allow you to find better jobs and avoid job scams and fake adverts. But which is the best online job board for searching for a new […]

    February 6, 2020

    i was there before when they ask me money of ITC and criminal check including money of certificate amount of R750 and all my money gone

  18. Sipho
    February 2, 2020

    Thank you to enlight us with such things that likely to put out life in danger.

    I recently almost scammed by people who claim to be HR employees of Clover company, They posted job ad to SAJOBS recruitment agency. I got an email from person who told me he’s Jeffrey Ngubane and they received my application and I must wait for a call soon

    On the Friday 31 JANUARY 2020 I got a call from Andile Dladla and he asked me name and surname to confirm my details and I told him it’s me and further told about interviews that were runned in few days back he said 4 people passed interview and 5ft one fail it due to medical test

    He referred me to other guy who’s Jeffrey Ngubane to talk to him, immediately I phone this guy and he conducted silly interview with and lastly he said that since him and Mr Dlala they’ll do me favour to forge the employment of contract, so I must pay them R8000 or if i don’t have this amount I can atleast pay R4000.

    After to drop the phone I felt dizzy for a moment I tried to call Clover Head Office to confirm about these posts and they said if you pay something in return to get a job it’s scam. To extra proof I also tried to get contact details of Clover previous worker’s to confirm and it’s final registered that it’s scam

    Guy’s we’re really living in the most dangerous world let us please be carefully. This is my experience from scammers

  19. Koketso
    December 30, 2019

    Thanks for the heads up on the scam, we’ve been asked so many times to pay for ITC check up because we’re desperate to get jobs and recruitment agencies that will Tell you that they will place you in the company that seems e.g drivers and you don’t even get interviewed by that company. Thank you!

    1. Peter Breedveld
      January 2, 2020

      Hi Koketso,

      Thank you for the wonderful comment. I am always glad to hear that I have been able to help someone. Best of luck with the job search, your perfect position is out there!

  20. […] of most popular articles to date is titled: Job Scams, How to avoid becoming a victim. I stated in that article that my aim was help at least just one person avoid becoming a victim of […]


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