Some of my most popular blogs are those on the topics of Job Scams. This makes sense considering the number of online scams taking place at the moment and the lack of information surrounding these scams. As many of you will know I often take it upon myself to apply to these employment scams, simply so that I can give you guys as much info on their modus operandi as possible.
Today is a little different though, the job scams below were sent to me from a reader of my blog by the name of Glynis. Thank you Glynis for sharing these with us, and please if you are reading this and know of any other similar scams please leave me a comment below with the info. This will help all of us to avoid these scammers and keep safe.
Some More Job Scams in South Africa
If you believe that you re currently dealing with a job scam it might also be worth your while to check out some of my other blogs on the subject.
- JOB SCAMS. How to avoid becoming a victim.
- 8 warning signs of a job scam.
- 3 job scams you may have already seen.
- Potential job scammers in South Africa
- Job scams seen of Facebook
Right, so let’s get into the employment scams that Glynis came across. There are 3 in total, so what I am going to do is post a copy of the Email she received for each scam individually and then discuss the obvious signs in the Email to point to it being a scam. These warning signs generally do not change much, so even if you have not received these exact Emails, you should be able to spot the scam a mile away!
Job Scam Number 1
From: Aleck Hans [mailto:hansholdings**]
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Invitation to Front Office Assistant Role Interview
Thank you for your interest in working with us!
We received your application and are interested in discussing your qualifications further. We would like to invite you to interview, to discuss the job requirements and learn more about you on Monday 28 June 2021, Job reference: 11/RRR3.
At this interview you will be meeting with one of our Interviewers. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about our hiring process.
Address: 84 Market Street (Albertina Sisulu) & Harrison St. 3rd Floor, Office 301 Johannesburg, 2001.
Updated CV, ID/Passport copy
Multiple copies of resume, academic certificates (copies) etc.
Please reply to this email directly with your availability or via SMS, Call to the number given below.
Wishing you all the best and looking forward to seeing you!!
A. Hans
073 528 06**
How do we identify the above Email as a job scam?
- First and foremost we should be concerned with the Email address. Like I have said so many times, Gmail accounts are very often used by scammers. I am not saying that it is a guaranteed scam if you see one. I am just saying start asking questions.
- Another warning sign is the company not existing. As you can see the Email account is Hans Holdings. There are no Google results for this at all (Well, now there will be – This article) Also Glynis was smart enough to actually phone Mr. Hans on the number supplied and she did not feel that she was speaking to a Mr. Hans. His English was not great and the conversation was not very professional. Two more obvious warning signs.
- At the end of the day I am not sure what the objective of this scam is. They do not appear to ask for any money, however that may come later. That being said there are many different motives behind these scams. Sometimes they are just trying to scam a few hundred rands from their victims. But there are instances where these scams are fronts for human trafficking operations.
Employment Scam Number 2
Good Day! M.P.B Engineering Consulting confirms your office clerk briefing & assessment interview on Friday (/02/2021) 08:00AM.
Please bring an updated CV and a refundable R260 for screening and evaluation. Ask for Ms Sonia by the Reception.
NB: Please confirm your availability via sms.
Head of Department
Cell: 064 853 12**
Tel: 087 058 17**
Email :*****
How do we identify the above Email as a job scam?
- On the surface, this might seem like a legitimate job offer. After all, they are not using a Gmail account, they have registered a domain name for So does this automatically make it legitimate? Well, what happens if we visit their website? We find a website that has obviously just been set up to give the appearance of an actual business. But on closer inspection we find that the website is not even completed, they still have the standard template placeholder text on their website.
- This is an obvious scam looking to get a few hundred rands from you. They are asking for R260 for screening and evaluation. There is no respectable legitimate company that is going to ask you for any fee to interview for a job vacancy. Yes, they say it is a refundable deposit, but I promise you that you will never see your money again.
- Another great idea is to always double-check the address on Google maps if one is given. If you view the address given here you do not find an MPB Engineering.
Job Scam Number 3
Good day,
Herewith please find more information regarding the admin opportunity you have expressed interest in:
As an Administrator, the following criteria applies and needs to be met in order to apply for this opportunity:
· A computer or access to one (whether it is your own computer or at work during quiet times or even the Internet café – as long as you have one)
· Internet Access – you will also be working online
· A valid E-mail account
· A South African bank account (in order for you to receive payment)
· Microsoft Office Software (Excel, Word, etc.)
· In addition to the above requirements, you must be able to follow instructions closely and completely
All contact will be via email – you will not be required to call anyone at any time. The point behind the virtual industry is to cut down on office overheads after all. This allows you to work whichever hours are most convenient to you (days, nights, or weekends).
You will need a word processing program in order to perform some tasks successfully (Microsoft Word or Open Office etc.) Once you have received the training materials, you can start working from home today, or wherever you choose to conduct business. Whether you are employed or unemployed you can still apply for this. You can do it part time in the evenings or over weekends or full time. Whatever is convenient to your schedule. To the unemployed this can be something you might consider doing while you are looking for something permanent should you then decide to take a permanent position. I spend around 6 hours a day 5 days a week and make enough to provide well for my family. I am a parent as well and I am at home with them, comfortable and earning an income at the same time. Please note that this is not employment or a job and we are not a recruitment agency. This is part time admin work and what you pay for is purely the materials that will explain to you in detail how the system works and how to set yourself up.
The Work – You will be processing email applications, typing, as well as filling out forms in specific company databases (this tends to be tedious at times so please be sure that you have the patience to do so before proceeding). This is why you will need to have basic Internet knowledge, though the training provided will give you step-by-step instructions on how to perform these tasks properly. You will not be required to recruit people or send out chain emails. This is actual admin work.
There are no down times with this opportunity however you are able to take on as much or as little work as you wish. The amount of income you make each week is entirely up to you and how much time and effort you are willing to put in with this opportunity. The average person makes R 2500 – R 3500 per week for approx. 4-5 hours spent online per day. I cannot stress this enough – No one can stand behind you and force you to work so we cannot estimate or guarantee what you will earn.
As stated above if you are not employed this could be a stepping stone to do part time while you search for something permanent or you can put in a little more effort and do it full time which is what I did. So there is no hidden agenda, no scam, no recruiting more people – purely admin work from home.
The Income – You will receive your pay through EFTs or direct deposit. When an application/task is completed successfully R180.00 will be paid to you. An application/task is not complete until you have received payment in other words. Please do not wait for a pay check at the end of the month – this is not going to happen. You will be paid per task/application when and if it is completed. The money trickles into your account all throughout the month.
Training & Materials – We require a fee of R350.00 for the training. For two reasons (1) it safeguards us from those applicants who really just want to waste our time by allowing us to set them up, train them and then they conveniently do not do any work. (2) It covers our admin costs and registration fees. The fee is non-refundable. This line of work is not for everyone so please think carefully before you proceed with your application as we would hate for you to feel out of pocket or done in. You have to be willing to put in the hours to earn the money. By proceeding with the registration you agree to the terms stated in this email and meet the criteria in order to register.
Upon completion of your registration and receipt of payment your profile is forwarded to the training department where they begin the setup process with you.
Keep in mind the sooner you go through the training materials the sooner you will start earning. It takes the average applicant a day or so to work through the training manual after which they can start working immediately. I can be contacted via E-mail at any time after you have received your training materials to help you or answer any questions you may have.
Should you consider yourself an appropriate candidate, meet all the requirements and are responsible enough to work independently then please contact me via E-mail on silentera.admin@**** or
silentera.admin@********** and I will send you the relevant registration form so you can get started.
How do we identify the above Email as a job scam?
- This is actually a scam that I have covered before in my blogs. The Email addresses change but the Email template does not. Essentially you apply for a job, usually an Admin type of job. You then receive this Email essentially stating that this is not a job offer but an opportunity.
- Again the obvious first warning sign is that they are asking for a payment. This is not a payment for an interview but rather for training material.
- I will be honest here, I have come across this scam a number of times, always the same Email template. However, I have never purchased the training material. If you have ever paid the fee I would love to hear from you, please pop me a mail or leave a comment below. You will remain anonymous of course.
Remember these warning signs of a job scam;
- The Email address supplied is an easy to obtain generic Email address. (Eg: Gmail)
- A suspicious “Click Here” link is supplied to submit applications
- You get an immediate job offer
- You are requested to make a payment of ANY kind
- You can not find any info on the company when doing your research
- The job description is poorly written and/or vague
- The salary is to good to be true.
- The job description states “No experience required”
Remember, none of these warning signs mean you are definitely dealing with a job scam. It just means that you should be a lot more cautious moving forward.
The information contained on this website is simply aimed at providing readers with guidance on labour law in South Africa. This information has not been provided to meet the individual requirements of a specific individual. Bizcraft will always suggest that legal advice be obtained to address a person’s unique circumstances. It is important to remember that the law is constantly changing and although Bizcraft strives to keep the information up to date and of high quality, it cannot be guaranteed that the information will be updated and/or be without errors or omissions. As a result, Bizcraft will under no circumstances accept liability or be held liable, for any innocent or negligent actions or omissions which may result in any harm or liability flowing from the use of or the inability to use the information provided.
July 23, 2024
[…] the most important: finding the right job and a reliable employer. The internet is full of horror stories about scams and fake job offers where people pay upfront fees or do the work but never get paid. To avoid these […]
September 27, 2022
Most of job scammers I come across advertise in SA youth mobi site.Your CV,ID / Passport And Academic Certificates, (Certified Copies, If not We require to see Original Certificates to ensure that your are eligible candidate)and R350.00 for Screening and Profiling Fee .
Further to your recent application for the above post, We are inviting you to attend OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS Job Offer interview at 09:30am, WEDNESDAY 28 of SEPTEMBER 2022
NO:36 Newquay and Helston Road
New Redruth, Alberton
Opposite SARS
July 28, 2021
I wan invited to an interview on Monday at 63 langerman drive and queens street in Kesington. The email stated that i must come for an interview. The pain i endured even now i bought new clothes but i was not interviewed they only took my cv and said they will call me for induction. Yesterday i received a message that i must come with R600 for police clearance and itc but i didn’t go. They call themselves BTC services
July 22, 2021
Another one from PMB Engineering Consulting. (mpb**
Dear Applicant,
We are pleased that the position applied for was successful as we have accessed your CV. I’m pleased to formally extend an offer for the Office Administrator position you applied for.
Your appointment date is on THURSDAY 22ND OF JULYY 2021 at 08:15am, we value and respect time. You will report MISS A.MODISE , You will receive a fixed basic salary ranging from R10, 890.00 – R19, 620.00 monthly depending on your qualifications and experience. This is a full time, exempt position. Exempt status means you are not eligible for overtime compensation. A list of the roles and responsibilities will be explained. Also you will have all the benefits covered which is full medical cover and life cover.
NB: The benefits will be explained in person as they differ with the experience and qualifications. Wearing of a face mask and abiding to all Covid 19 protocols is a must in our premises
1. Please bring along copies of your ID/Passport and Academic Qualifications (copies that you have) without fail, due to your position applied for it will be vital and compulsory for us to do the Background Screening & Verification check.
2. Please bring a refundable R299.00 for our Background Screening & Verification Services, that include:
– ID validation and verification,
– Qualification Verification (Certificates),
– Previous employment verification and Reference Check,
– CCMA records check.
-Medical Examination
All positions are open and available with immediate effect and you will be assigned to resume your duties after the Background Screening & Verification check. However there will be a certain percentage deducted from your salary for our services for a certain period of time depending on your role and salary you will be earning.
We don’t charge for any job outsourcing or placements but the R299.00 will be used to acquire your Background Screening & Verification Information and for the Company to arrange a medical examination at a quickest disposed time frame. On behalf of various clients, thereof we aspire to interview the person without any previous convictions and criminal offenses. To safe guard our clients from criminal elements and undesirable applicants we require that all applicants are subject to a criminal and academic qualifications check by an independent accredited firm.
This email replaces all previous forms of communication as the exclusive, official employment statement. However, you can email us back during office times and hours only. Your availability will be subject to that you understand that employment is at will and it’s immediately after the appointment fulfillment.
We’re looking forward to see you on THURSDAY 22ND OF JULYY 2021 at 08:15am! Should any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us back via email during office hours only or Call MISS A.MODISE on 073 758 6578
At the reception desk ask MISS A.MODISE , Please do call if you are getting lost or use GPS.
Yours Sincerely,
Head of Department
Cell: 073 758 65**
July 22, 2021
Thank you for this Felicia.
July 15, 2021
Training material is two pages on how to create ads for being a virtual assistant