As South Africa slowly (very slowly) comes out of one of the longest and harshest lockdowns experienced around the world, it is becoming painfully obvious that unemployment and crime levels are set to rapidly increase. The current prediction is that we are likely to sit with an unemployment level of 51% in the not too distant future. I fear that job scamming criminals are going to use this high unemployment to target desperate job seekers.
The only way to stay safe to educate yourself on the common job scams taking place and stay away from known scam “centers.” This is easier said then done, especially if you are desperate to find a job, after all, it is incredibly difficult to walk away from a “potential job,” and this is why people get caught. There has been a list of known job scammers doing the rounds in recent days and I wanted to share that list with you, hopefully having this info will make walking away from a potential scam situation just a little easier.
Job scammers in South Africa
Before I go any further I want to make it clear that I personally did not identify these centers as job scams. This is a list that I saw shared on Facebook and was actually sent to me by quite a few of my subscribers. If anyone has any info that might add to this list, OR if there is a company on the list that should not be there please let me know in the comments below. You are also welcome to contact me directly via the contact form on my website.
I would also like to recommend that you read the three articles below. They give a great indication of what to look out for when it comes to job scams, and of course how to avoid them. I think the biggest thing to remember is that you should NEVER EVER have to PAY a cent to a recruiter for any reason. The moment you are asked for payment for police clearance/credit checks or anything else just prepare to walk away.
3 Articles you should also read
- Job scams. How to avoid becoming a victim
- 8 warning signs of a job scam
- 3 job scams you may have already seen
Please read these.
List of Job scammers
Below is a copy of the email that I received and which has been doing the rounds on social media.
If you are invited for interviews in the following places in Johannesburg, please do not go:
- ILPA House CNR Commissioner & Von Weiligh Str
- Klamson Towers, 151 Commissioner Str
- Manchester House, CNR Von Wielligh & Pritchard Str
- The Great Experience, Curthberths of Chambers Building, CNR Prichard & Eloff Str
- Century (Insurance) Building, CNR Kruis & Albertina Sisulu Str
- Motaung Recruitment, Dr Neil Agget Building, 90 President & Kruis Str
- North State Building, 99 Albertina Sisulu Str
- Factor House, CNR Kruis & Albert Str
- BMT Training pty Ltd, Royal Place, CNR Eloff & Kerk Str
- Mr Price Building, CNR Albertina Sisulu & Von Brandis Str
- Ottawa Mall, CNR President & Small Str
- Kariba House, CNR DeVilliers & Commissioner Str
- ABC Kay Motsepe Building, CNR Fox & Von Brandis Str
- Mothomo House, Fox Str
- Meisschkes Building, CNR Harrison & Albertina Sisulu Str
- De Souza Direct, Power Place Building, 261 Oak Avenue, Randburg
- 08 Hillside road, Parktown near BP garage
- 1fourall Recruitment Agency, Address Unknown
- Vusa House, Gandhi Square, Jhb
- DK Marketing Solutions (pty) Ltd, Mr Price Building, CNR Albertina Sisulu Rd & Von Brandis Str
- ICA Marketing, Aspern house, 2de korte Str, Braamfontein
- Markade Building, 84 CNR President & Kruis Str
- MIT Group, 130 Fox & Von Brandis Str
- Renaissance Building, Gandhi Square
- Focus House, 86 Lovey Day & Plein Str, Jhb
- Mansion House, Albertina Sisulu & Kruis Str
- Brooklyn Recruitment, Jhb
- E.N.T Call Centre, Imas House, 28 Von Brandis & Main Str
- Motsepe Building, CNR Fox & Von Brandis Str
- Lebeya/Success Hospitality, Joubert & Commissioner Str, Majesty Building
- Benny Recruitment And Training, 262 Madiba Str, Pretoria
- MK Marketing, Apollo Building, Pretoria
- TK Marketing, 43 Weirda Str, Devilliers Ave Vereeniging, Randburg
- Malatji Specialised Services, Metropolitan Park, Hillside Rd, Parktown
As I said I did not personally identify these as job scams. That being said, it certainly does not hurt to be safe and aware of these potential scams. Please share this article with your friends, family, and on your social media.
The only way to keep safe is to look out for each other. Good luck out there guys!
The information contained on this website is simply aimed at providing readers with guidance on labour law in South Africa. This information has not been provided to meet the individual requirements of a specific individual. Bizcraft will always suggest that legal advice be obtained to address a person’s unique circumstances. It is important to remember that the law is constantly changing and although Bizcraft strives to keep the information up to date and of high quality, it cannot be guaranteed that the information will be updated and/or be without errors or omissions. As a result, Bizcraft will under no circumstances accept liability or be held liable, for any innocent or negligent actions or omissions which may result in any harm or liability flowing from the use of or the inability to use the information provided.
August 13, 2024
help me find out legitimacy of these two companies are:
1. Sonny Chi-ba Recruitment PTY ltd