Download one any of our free CV templates to help you ensure your application stands out. Our CV's are structured to ensure they appeal to hiring managers and recruiters based in South Africa. Get more interviews today with one of our free CV templates!
All of the templates below are 100% free for you to download and use. Either click on the image or on the "DOWNLOAD NOW" link to start your download.
All of these CV templates are designed for South African job seekers and are easy to use and edit, even if you are not a computer wiz. However, please make sure that you are familier with the correct CV Layout and Format sytles commonly used in South Africa. Having just a basic understanding of better CV formatting will greatly enhance the chances of your CV standing out from the rest and securing the important interview!
If you have some time you should also check out: How to write a CV in South Africa
CV Template 1
CV Template 2
CV Template 3
CV Template 4
CV Template 5
CV Template 6
CV Template 7
More CV templates coming soon.
Deciding what information to include on your CV is very simple. Just remember that you only need to include information that is going to directly contribute to you actually getting called back for an interview. Any additional information that you can mention or expand on in the interview is probably not necessary. Your CV should not be longer then 1-2 pages, so keep it lean.
Below is a brief summary of the sections that I recommend you include on your CV. You can also check out CV writing tips to secure that interview
1) Your Name and Personal Information.
Including your name is obviously vital, but what other personal information should you include? You should always add your contact details to this section, a mobile number and Email address should be enough. Just make sure that you are reachable on whatever contact details you provide. As far as other personal information goes only add information that is vital for your application, this is industry and job specific.
2) A CV objective statement
If you are having a problem fitting all your information into 2 pages then you can leave out an objective statement. An objective statement gives you a chance to introduce yourself and highlight your goals and ambitions. If you would like to check out a great article on how to write an objective statement you are welcome to check out this article.
3) Your Employment History
This is the most important section of your CV. Make sure that it is well formatted and easy to read. Your employment history should run from your most recent backwards so that your current or last position is displayed first. Try to identify any large gaps in your employment history and make sure that they are explained on your CV.
4) Your Education History
Keep this section quite short. You do not need to expand to much on your education unless you achieved any exceptional results during your studies. Generally speaking just listing your qualification achieved, the year obtained and the institution where you studies should be enough.
5) Notable Skills
Only list skills that you actually possess. This section does not need to be very long, but it can be useful to grab the readers attention. Make sure that you list skills that are appropriate for the job vacancy which might mean that you need to rewrite this section for each job application.
6) Contactable References
This is a very important section. Hiring managers are always going to want to contact a manager or supervisor from your previous job. I recommend listing 2-3 contactable references. Make sure that you let your references know that you have listed them as a reference.
If you really want to stand out from the crowd why not also try one of our awesome cover letter templates. A well written, professional cover letter can set you up for success before you have even been called for an interview, if it is done right. A cover letter gives you a chance to show show off your personality and expand on your achievements before even meeting the hiring manager. Browse though our samples and pick the one that best suits you.
Check out this article on how to edit and prepare your CV to ensure that you are called for interviews.
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